I woke up with a smile in my heart this morning thinking about my new kitchen drawer tin foil/parchment and wax paper dispenser! After years of going without, it dawned on me last week as I was organizing a clients kitchen drawer, that housed similar material and lacked a dispenser, that it was time to saddle up and give it a go. I jumped on Etsy and purchased a simple 3 slot organizer. After a 5 minute set up last night, I was ready to rock, just in time for dinner preparations. Ribs (needing foil) and grilled vegetables (parchment) were on the menu.
Wow. Amazing. On so many levels.
Not sure if you can relate, but before purchasing and using said dispenser, I would dread going into the kitchen wrap drawer, First, I would feel frustrated at the way the box would be slippery in my hand as time went by, Second, the paper would fall out of the box more often then not, which I would try to anticipate and counter with the grip of death, to avoid feeling annoyed and incompetent. and third, as I would wrestle the paper against the cutting edge of the box, the paper or foil would tear, leading to another round of irritation and even some despair, and resentment, like how much harder can this be!?
All that lurking and surfacing in the shadows, tying up my spaciousness and flow really. Each time I would head to the drawer for some foil or parchment paper, which was at least once a day, all that was going on. In retrospect, I wasn't aware of the levels of frustration I was experiencing until after I used my new dispenser, mind you, but the experience of the before and after have lead me to revisiting 2 important qualities in any work flow. PRESENCE. Being here now is a beautiful thing. That is what I woke up feeling this morning. Content and pleased. It was so refreshing not going through all those layers of gobbledygook inside myself last night as I opened the drawer, gave an easeful tug on the tin foil, cut it without concern, then shut the drawer. It was seamless. I set myself up for success. The second quality is EASE. Boxing myself into ways of being with a process, and being comfortable with the discomfort, out of habit. By this simple change in my kitchen I felt so much peace and joy. It was a true AHA experience.
My revelation has opened up an inquiry...where are there other places and spaces in my home where I get hung up on and in conflict with myself, on a daily basis that I am not aware of? Are there any other work flow patterns in the kitchen that I feel annoyed with myself over? If so, I would like to bring at least one or two out of the closet and get creative on solutions for clarity’s sake, because the value of this new Tool to Tout far outweighs the time and energy spent trying to bend and whip not only myself, but these little boxes of wrap into shape all these years!
PS. I purchased mine on Etsy. There are quite a few to choose from, even some build your own including gallon and quart sized bags.