Are you hoping to start the new year off on the right foot?
So often there is a push to move out into the world come the first of the year, with goals and intentions set with laser vision and solid purpose. It’s a renewed chance to exert will of self, a continued carving and redirecting of life’s many paths to choose from.
I would like to suggest starting off on the left foot this Winter’s Solstice. Allowing space for creativity to percolate, setting time aside to look towards the horizon, and giving physical movement extra room for self care, are 3 ways to let the future self, filled with the depth of our knowingness and success, come through. A guiding light towards the coming of spring and the rising energy of seeding and sowing.

If one of your goals for 2022 lands with a heartfelt knowing that you would benefit from assistance getting more clarity of space in your home or office, I look forward to hearing from you.
Wishing you a happy Winter’s Solstice and a joyous New Year.